
Bezan: The world needs more Canadian strength abroad

Op-ed by Conservative Shadow Minister for National Defence in Canada's 42nd Parliament

Photo: Post Millennial

Originally published November 4, 2019


If you turn on the news, it is clear that the world is changing and global peace and security are becoming more uncertain. Alliances that have lasted a generation are shifting. Countries such as Russia and China are challenging the international world order. And terrorist groups around the world are growing in strength. In order to tackle these issues Canada needs a bold response from a government willing to take action and stand on principle.

Unfortunately, what this past election showed is that Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are not up to this task, and never were.

During the election campaign the Liberals failed to take the issue of defence and foreign affairs seriously. Trudeau skipped the Munk Foreign Affairs Policy Debate because he didn’t want to defend his disastrous record, his platform commitments on these defence and foreign affairs were almost nowhere to be seen, and he did not spend a single day in the campaign talking about these important issues.

Overall, this was shameful.

In contrast, Andrew Scheer and Canada’s Conservatives made a strong, thoughtful and articulate announcement on defence and foreign affairs, committed to the Munk Debate, and put forward a serious plan on these critical issues.

Our commitment to these issues were clearly laid out in our platform.

Canada’s Conservatives promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, reopen the Office of Religious Freedom, provide military defensive aid to Ukraine, reprioritize foreign aid, combat terrorist fundraising and planning, punish terrorists that travel overseas, depoliticize military procurement, begin discussions with the U.S. on joining the ballistic missile defence shield, quickly replace our CF-18s, build a second interim supply ship, and begin the process of replacing our submarines.

In an ever-evolving and growing world with threats to Canada, our country needs a strong vision for what role we can play in the defence of our values at home and abroad. The fact is that under Justin Trudeau, Canada was never back and we are falling further behind under his weak leadership. This election campaign proved that the Liberals are not interested in talking about the major issues that will shape the world for future generations. Instead, they spent their time talking about spending money on camping trips.

Canada’s Conservatives will never stop fighting for the things that matter. We will continue to stand up for our military heroes. We will support bold ideas that protect our home and native land. We will demonstrate that strength abroad is the only true course for Canada. And when we re-establish our reputation on the world stage, Canadians are more prosperous and secure.

We will continue to stand up for these things — because that is what Canadians expect us to do.

James Bezan was re-elected as the Conservative Member of Parliament for Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman, Manitoba on October 21, 2019. He served as the Conservative Party’s Shadow Minister for National Defence in Canada’s 42nd Parliament.